
This will be very brief.

I have not talked to anyone in Kiev since the very end of the day yesterday. It’s late afternoon/early evening there as I write this and Jay still has not been found.

I’m not sure what the focus was going to be today. I know that we were expecting to get many church members out and canvass the area around the Union office some more. I also know that there was a plan to talk to people entering the park during the early morning hours to see if we could gather any more information that way. But other than that, I don’t have more details.

As I said yesterday – when you’re thousands of miles away, you always want more information, and wish you knew more. It’s just the way of things, and we’ll just have to get used to feeling that way – because I doubt that the way I feel, or the amount of information I get, is likely to change. 🙂

Several answers to questions regularly asked:

1) Have you tried dogs?
Dogs were evidently used, early in the search, several days ago. But since it’s rained several times, they wouldn’t be useful for tracking someone. I know they have been considered again, attempting to find if Jay were in a spot we couldn’t see, but the dog could smell. [Think air-scenting vs tracking dog.] I don’t know what ultimate decision has been reached, but I think that most of these kinds of working dogs are in the hands of the police, or disaster services and I don’t believe the full weight of these government services have been available to us. [And no, I don’t think any of us here on this side of the world really know why. I’m not sure any of the people in Kiev know why either. This has seemed to change a bit over the last day or so, so perhaps this will be a more viable option soon.]

2) Did he have a cell-phone or GPS?
No, he didn’t have a cellphone or GPS with him. While he took his phone with him to Ukraine, he didn’t use it in-country that I’m aware of. You know, “old guys” just aren’t as driven to SIM unlock their phones and get a local SIM so they can text all their friends and take calls on the sidewalk and every where else. Plus, since he used Skype to talk to people back home, there just wasn’t as much need. It is too bad that’s the case, because it would have given us a lot of great tracking data – but alas, it’s not to be.

3) Has a reward been offered?
This has been considered, and at least early on, the best expert advice I could get seemed to indicate that this would likely result in more information and leads, but that it would also likely greatly increase the amount of inaccurate information too. Generally it was felt that it would likely do more harm than good. Since there’s an expert on site now, we tend to defer to his advice, and I am not aware if this has been discussed recently.

So that’s all I have for this morning. I’ll see if I can get more detail without hindering the work that’s going on.

Oh, and while I’ve left this to last, as an aside, it’s not a side issue for me … Many have asked how Mom is doing.

As you might imagine – she’s extremely worried. She wants more detail, and is terribly anxious as each hour, day, and probably minute, passes. But I’m amazed at how well, considering the situation, she has done. She appreciates the thoughts you’ve sent via email and comments here, and knowing how she and Dad have touched peoples lives, and that you care. So thanks. We all appreciate it.

Again, I’ll come back with more information as I have it.


19 thoughts on “Saturday…

  1. Anne Richman

    Thank you for the updates. Prayers for each of your family members as well as for the searchers!

  2. Janet Penner

    As I speak I hear a helicopter in the air. Would it be possible for someone to go over the area with a helicopter? I know that God is with Jay and knows where He is, and we will continue to pray. As I fasted and prayed yesterday, I knew that God cared even more than all of us who are praying. May God give us all confidence that He is hearing and answering prayers.
    In His love,
    Janet Penner

  3. Janet Penner

    We continue to pray for Jay and are confident that our miracle working God will continue to be with Jay and cares more than all who love him. Be of good courage, God will never leave Jay and will give him the strength and peace no matter where he is. We must continue to pray.
    Janet Penner

  4. Hal Harden

    Warrine and I are praying and hoping for good news soon. Our sympathies to the family.

  5. Edi Howard

    Charlene , My heart aches for you, and all you’re going through. I’m praying that God will cradle you and your family in his arms, as we all continue to pray for Jays return. A Sister in Christ, Edi

  6. steve roesler

    Praying for his safe return. “All things work together for good to those who love the Lord”. I surely can’t see how, but the promise is there and I still believe God will be faithful to it. Love you all. Steve

  7. Kent Roberts

    Gregg, I know both your mom and dad really well. I was the Chaplain at Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital for many years and worked frequently with Jay. I also attend Englewood Christian Church and sing in the choir. Sharlene has been our organist for the past 25 years. Sharlene came to choir practice this week and I thought she was doing remarlably well. She felt she needed to continue in her routine. She is a remarkable lady. We all love her dearly. We are keeping all of you in our prayers and continue to wish for the best.

  8. Craig and Sheryll Hisey

    We are constantly returning to your web page (several times a day) hoping for positive news. Our hearts go out to you all in these hours and days of uncertainty. We pray God will continue to give you strength, comfort and wisdom. I think of Charlene often, especially when I go to bed at night, knowing my husband is safe at home with me. God bless you, Charlene, and keep you very close to Him as you are going through this ordeal. He will never leave you or forsake you!

    Craig and Sheryll

  9. Vickie Bullard

    We put Dr Jay and his family on our prayer chain at First Baptist in Union Gap- I cannot express the sadness I feel for your family. Dr Sloop and his family touched our lives by first bring my kids into this world safely and by the Healthy Heart seminars at the church- they are an awesome example of Christs Love. Prayers for his safe return- Vickie

  10. Fred and April Hardinge

    We are constantly asking for the Lord to protect Jay, help all involved to find him, and to give Sharlene and each of the family strength and courage in this extremely worrisome and uncertain time.

    Psalm 32:7-8 NIV
    “You are my hiding place;
    you will protect me from trouble and
    surround me with songs of deliverance.
    I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go.
    I will counsel you and watch over you.”

    Courage in Jesus!

    [It is almost incomprehensible that a week ago today I walked with Jay in several Kiev parks.]

  11. Arlene Burchett Hansen

    Your Dad and you whole family has been in my prayers since Bev Fletcher sent the word. I check your blog many times every day.
    Your mom was in my graduating class at Sunnydale. Please tell her I am thinking of her and praying your Dad will be found safe and well. We know that God knows where he is and pray that His angels surround him.

  12. Nola & Murit Aichele

    We continue to pray for Jay and the family. Know that we care very much and love Jay and Charlene. There are people from Bloomington, Ind to Keene, Tex and from Shelton to White Salmon, WA praying. It is so amazing how far Jay’s influence has spread. Truly a blessing from God. Thankyou for keeping us up to date as much as possible.

  13. Randy & Susan Bailey

    Dr. Jay has been in our thoughts and prayers since this tragic situation began on Tuesday. We are praying that angels are with him, comforting him, where ever he is. We also pray that God’s comfort circle the family here in the US and Jeff and Randy in the Ukraine.
    Greg, we appreciate your willingness to share the information with the world, although the news hasn’t been what we have been praying for, we are encouraged that so many people are praying and searching. We continue to pray for a good outcome. May God continue to circle the family with His love.

  14. Trisha Wasiczko Kruger

    Thanks for the daily updates. All the Sloop family is in our thoughts and prayers. Let us know if there is anything more we can do.

    Trisha, Tyler and Izzy

  15. Bill Taylor

    The entire family sends our thoughts and prayers to everyone involved. We appreciate the and wish there was more we could do from here. God Bless

  16. Sandy Larsen

    My husband & I are at the UCC Pathfinder Fair in WW and want you to know our whole PF group prayed last night and again this morning. Darayl & I have been praying often for all of you
    Love & Prayers,
    Sandy & Darayl Larsen
    Moses Lake Lake WA

  17. Rebecca

    Dear Sloop family,

    We are two adventist women from Spain (mother and daughter). Through facebook we have known that Dr Jay Sloop is missing and even not knowing him we are very worried. We are praying every day trusting that the Lord will provide an answer. Hugs from Spain.

  18. Nicole Distler

    My family and I are praying for the safe return of Dr Jay. He and Dr Randy and Dr Richard have been great helps in my life as well as the lives of my family. I wosh there were more that we could do to help. So I would like to offer my prayers to God that he is returned safely to his family. May God bless your family.

  19. Linda Burdette

    Know that for every comment you are getting here, there are hundreds of people who aren’t writing but are caring and worrying. Many of my patients are asking every day. Dr. Jay has so many people who care.

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